Bolivia Consultant

Consultancy – Strategic identification of conservation priorities in Bolivia

Re:wild protects and restores the wild. Re:wild brings together Indigenous peoples, local communities, influential leaders, nongovernmental organizations, governments, companies and the public to protect and rewild at the scale and speed we need. Learn more at

Re:wild’s Andes program aims to effectively protect and restore the Andean region, supported by a regional movement that values natural ecosystems and helps ensure their protection in perpetuity. Together with our extensive network of partners, the Andes program’s focus is to save the region's incredible biodiversity through legal protection and effective management of natural ecosystems, and support the rights and solutions of the Indigenous, Afro-descendant, and local communities that call the region home. Alongside governments, civil society organizations, communities and donors, Re:wild’s collaborative program for the Andes has 4 workstreams: legal protection of critical areas for biodiversity and climate, bolstering management governances and guardianship, restoring critical ecosystems, and advocating to reduce threats to nature and its defenders.

The Andes program works with more than 50 partners across Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. One of Re:wild’s main strategies for generating impact is convening diverse stakeholders and aligning them around a unified plan, and through this process ensuring government and donor controlled enabling conditions are in place for implementation by local partners. Identifying political opportunities where such convening is possible, and successfully bringing together stakeholders to collaborate on a plan to achieve the greatest impact possible is a key part of this. Yet it can also be challenging and require different strategies in different places. However, we are an adaptable organization that can be flexible in which partners and what work we support to achieve our vision. To date, much of our work in the Andes Program has been focused in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru and we are seeking to design a strategy for expanding our footprint in Bolivia.

We are seeking an experienced consultant to assist Re:wild in the identification of opportunities to drive conservation impact that convene and align the interests of national and subnational governments, civil society organizations and Indigenous movement. The consultant should have extensive experience in conservation in Bolivia, specifically with Bolivian legislation and regulations related to protected area establishment, land tenure legislation and sustainable financing mechanisms. The person should also have a broad network of government and non-governmental partners, including conservation NGOs and Indigenous federations and organizations and should be able facilitate and promote collaboration among diverse stakeholders to achieve conservation outcomes. The consultant will need to operate with a high level of autonomy and be a quick learner who can quickly understand the Re:wild model and our approach to the region.

Consultancy Description:

The consultancy will focus on answering several key questions:

  1. Who are the main stakeholders for advancing conservation in Bolivia?

  2. What are their conservation priorities (thematic and geographic), and why?

  3. What/where is there overlap among these priorities, and identifying key disparities in priorities between stakeholders?

  4. What are the highest impact opportunities for Re:wild, specifying the thematic areas, geographies, and opportunities to convene stakeholders around a shared plan for impact?

The assessments should align with Re:wild strategies, and generally reflect our broader body of work in the region, which include high impact and cost-effective opportunities to:

  • expand and improve the protected area system and management of subnational protected areas,

  • advance the recognition and governance of Indigenous communities’ ancestral territories,

  • improve co-management strategies for protected areas and Indigenous territories,

  • implement sustainable financing approaches for subnational protected areas and Indigenous territories in Bolivia,

  • advocate for change within Bolivia in a way that decreases the footprint of extractive industries in the country.

Timeline and Deliverables:

  1. A situational analysis of the current conservation actors, activities, and opportunities in Bolivia, including (but not limited to)

    1. Strengthen the effective and equitable management of subnational protected areas and the capacity of subnational governments to manage these areas.

    2. Strengthen the effective management, governance and protection of Indigenous territories (Tierra Comunitaria de Origen - TCOs).

    3. Operationalize a Plurinational System of Protected Areas and improved management of strategic ecosystems (SPAP-Ecos) that includes subnational protected areas and TCOs, and if not viable, conceptualize a broader system of protected and conserved areas.

    4. Secure tenure rights of TCOs and legal recognition of Autonomous Indigenous governments (Autonomias Indigenas).

This includes engaging closely with the National Government (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua – Dirección General de Biodiversidad DGBAP, Vicepresidencia del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Departamental and municipal governments), Indigenous Movement and local and international NGOs and convene these actors to identify conservation priorities in the country.

2. Report identifying key areas of overlap in priorities between stakeholders and areas where there is no overlap but potential opportunities for convening stakeholders around a unified plan. Opportunities identified will ideally be aligned with national and subnational political opportunities and the principles and priorities of the country’s Indigenous movement.

3. A final report that organizes and consolidates the information and results of Activities 1 and 2 and identifies the thematic areas and landscapes where Re:wild can add the most value by providing direct support and convening stakeholders to drive conservation impact. This document should bring together into a clear implementation strategy opportunities for Re:wild to scale the work in Bolivia and should include specific projects for future engagement.


  • Report 1: Draft situational analysis of current Conservation stakeholders and Priorities, including a map of geographic priorities. Deadline: Month 3 and ongoing as priorities arise.

  • Report 2: Draft analysis of date in Report 1 to identify Opportunities and Gaps. Deadline: Month 5 and ongoing as opportunities arise.

  • Final Report: final versions of Reports 1 & 2, plus recommendations for Re:wild engagement. Deadline: Month 8.

Contractor will have:

  • Minimum of seven years of experience in conservation, with a focus on Andean countries, specifically Bolivia.

  • In-depth knowledge of Bolivian legislation and regulations related to Indigenous rights, land tenure, and protected areas.

  • Demonstrated ability to work independently while also collaborating effectively with a small team.

  • Strategic thinker with experience designing and managing conservation projects and portfolios.

  • Strong communication skills, including the ability to navigate complex situations and facilitate conflict resolution.

  • Proficiency in both Spanish and English

  • Motivated and persistent with a track record of overcoming obstacles to achieve goals.

  • Be adaptive in the face of different challenges and scenarios.

  • Team player with the ability to work efficiently with diverse teams and stakeholders.

Technical supervision:

Technical supervision: The Bolivian Lead Consultant will work with Re:wild’s Latin America team, in particular the Peru Program Officer, and will receive technical direction from the Andean Countries Coordinator. They will be expected to work autonomously adapting to different opportunities and scenarios in order to fulfill their role.

Time frame: This consultancy will have a duration of 8 months.

Apply: Send resume to a with subject “Bolivia Consultancy” by July 30th, 2024.

Re:wild is committed to diversity and building an inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds and are taking steps to meet that commitment. We encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply, including people of color, women, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities.