Re:wild Your Life

Native plant restoration at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area’s Rancho Sierra Vista Yerba Mansa wetlands (photo by Connar L'Ecuyer)
Native plant restoration at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area’s Rancho Sierra Vista Yerba Mansa wetlands (photo by Connar L'Ecuyer)

Studies have shown that houseplants and gardens make you healthier – as well as more productive and better able to concentrate. But what you plant matters.

Gardening outdoors has even more benefits. Indoor or outdoor, spending some time with plants is a GREAT way to rewild the self, but there’s more to planting wildly than meets the eye.  

#DYK? Native vs Invasive Species 

Plants native to an ecosystem are adapted to the land and have built symbiotic relationships with other plants and wildlife in their ecosystem, sometimes over thousands of years. 

Invasive plants are new plants introduced to ecosystems by an outside source. They are often harmful to native plants and destructive to ecosystems. By learning more about and nurturing plant species native to the wild where you live, you can help protect and restore it.

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