Gabriela Erazo

Program Partnerships Coordinator


    Specialization in gender and climate change. FLACSOUruguay-Uruguay. (2024)

    Master, Protected Area Management U. Autónoma de Madrid, U. Alcalá, U. Complutense- España. (2020)

    Environmental engineering and natural resources. Universidad Viña del Mar- Chile (2010)

    Gabriela Erazo is a dedicated conservation professional with extensive experience in environmental science and management. At Re:wild, she plays a crucial role in building and maintaining partnerships that drive the success of our programs, particularly supporting local partners in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and the Southern Cone.

    Gabriela holds a Master’s degree in Protected Areas Management and is currently completing another Master’s in Gender and Climate Change. Over the past 14 years, she has worked as a consultant for both not-for-profit and for-profit organizations, gaining a wide range of skills and experience.

    Her expertise includes sustainable natural resource use, biodiversity conservation, and socio-environmental monitoring. Gabriela has worked extensively in over 15 protected areas across Ecuador, Peru, and the Dominican Republic. Her efforts have been pivotal in providing technical support to local communities for sustainable livelihoods and guiding local governments in participatory governance processes.

    In addition to her professional endeavors, Gabriela enjoys cooking, outdoor adventures, and finds inspiration in art, nature, and books.